Friday, December 14, 2007


Today I just wanted to play with soft colors....nothing bright...nothing dismal.
This top one surprised me--- but I really like the hearts around the star...have no idea
how I got them there (as usual) but I like the look.
This next one I played with other filters:
This one looks like a simple kaleidoscope...nothing really fancy...still soft colors.
I like the softness - my daughter thinks that on the outside of the middle image those little
light green images look like cat faces....hmmmm - what do you see?
Just one more that I decided to show you all...
Now this one looks like tulips to me in bluish tint....I really liked the soft look
of them...and a little star in the middle...
I am enjoying making these kaleidoscopes because they are so open
to interpretation and so two ever the how cool is that?

NOW SOME GREAT NEWS....I am officially listed in - DELIGHTFUL BLOGS.

As Seen on

I am really I need a BIG BIG FAVOR PLEASE....
could you go and rate me HERE. (1 being bad - 10 the best)
I would so appreciate it...and if your blog is listed there - please
leave me a comment so I can rate yours!

Thanks so much for stopping by and Looking!!!


Anke Martin said...

HI Ellie, will stop by probably on sunday...the last days were so busy and tomorrow we are at a birthday party! So see you on sunday, already took a fast peek at your new caleidoscopes....they look fantastic...have a good day :)

Unknown said...


Beautiful! Love them today as always. I rated your blog!

Have a nice evening,


Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.