Saturday, November 03, 2007


Okay - I did it....I signed up for Create Art Every Day... I know I said
I would join next year...but there are no guarantees of where life will be by then..
and my creative "juices" and ideas are running I took a deep breath in and signed up.
Since I have been creating everyday anyway...I am caught up with everyone else...
Here is the blog badge from the challenge:

You can click on the graphic and it will take you there...I was kind of scared to sign up because
I really do not feel like what I create is worthy of what I see others do...but I am jumping
in with both feet and we will see where I land.
Here is what I created today...

This is another ATC card I created digitally...I like the I played with some filters
in paint shop pro and inverted the colors...and this is what it looks like:

I like the colors inverted and there you creations for today!
Thanks for looking!


Leah said...

i'm so glad you jumped in ellie! your creations are wonderful!! don't feel like your creations aren't worthy! they're great! i love the stitching elements on your art!

Anke Martin said...

Ellie, enjoy the creative flow! Those ATC's are wonderful, I love them. And yeah, go for it, don't be shy to post your work!!!!