Now even though this ATC card is called Terror - I love it because
the character is just too cute looking.
Still playing with different elements - and the process is just flowing
along which I like - no stress to it - that is a good thing....
so here is my newest card:

No big colors jumping out - sort of subdued--but I really
like the way it came out - felt complete to me.
At least the reaper is smiling - LOL.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving feedback - I so appreciate it.

the character is just too cute looking.
Still playing with different elements - and the process is just flowing
along which I like - no stress to it - that is a good thing....
so here is my newest card:
No big colors jumping out - sort of subdued--but I really
like the way it came out - felt complete to me.
At least the reaper is smiling - LOL.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving feedback - I so appreciate it.
He looks like a happy guy. Must like his job. ;)
Great job!
Hi, Ellie. I saw your note on my post about the tennis shoes. Love your reaper. He is sort of a paradox isn't he? Like most of us! Happy creating!
Oh my! You are so right that the character is super cute! I suppose it's the happy side of terror? Haha... very nice ATC!
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