Well - since yesterday - I have been consumed with the hand project-mandala-zentangle
creative outlets...just cannot stop.
I know I promised you all some pictures - and I promise they are coming - I have to have
my daughter help me with taking the pics - but all day yesterday she was
studying for a math exam which is much more important - so after school today she
should be free.
I am really enjoying just free flowing geometric shapes and such inside a hand or mandala
or just a flowing line of circles and lines etc--all in black and white - I think it looks
sharp and so interesting.
Well now you know what I am doing with my time - I did manage to create
another cute ATC card - here is my newest:
Sort of taken from the same theme as yesterday - this time tho
using a snowman - a pretty simple card but I do like the way
it turned out - looking at it makes me smile--
I really love the little snowballs - lol.
I hope you all have a very creative day full of fun!
Thanks for stopping by--
creative outlets...just cannot stop.
I know I promised you all some pictures - and I promise they are coming - I have to have
my daughter help me with taking the pics - but all day yesterday she was
studying for a math exam which is much more important - so after school today she
should be free.
I am really enjoying just free flowing geometric shapes and such inside a hand or mandala
or just a flowing line of circles and lines etc--all in black and white - I think it looks
sharp and so interesting.
Well now you know what I am doing with my time - I did manage to create
another cute ATC card - here is my newest:
using a snowman - a pretty simple card but I do like the way
it turned out - looking at it makes me smile--
I really love the little snowballs - lol.
I hope you all have a very creative day full of fun!
Thanks for stopping by--
Your atc's make me smile : )
Thanks for sharing.
Wow, you´ve been busy! I love the energy you express in this post. :)
What a sweet little card and I LOVE the fat little snowman. Are these done in Illustrator as digital art or are they created a different way? I am not sure what ATC stands for.
This is just adorable! I love how he looks like he's just dancing with joy!!
I am giggling because I know the feeling - so much creativity is buzzing all around I whizz from one project to another and then today... I started cleaning. This may be my family's favorite of my creative processes yet!
LOL. Looking forward to the photos, whenever you get them!
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